- 商品编号: m75431510647
个数: 1 - 上架时间: 2024/9/16 20:20:24
商品成色: 二手 -
日本邮费: 卖家承担
可否退货: 不可以
英語のカードゲーム「Gloom of Thrones」を売ります。ゲームカードは未開封ですが、箱は開封済みです。箱の状態は写真でご確認ください。
I am selling the English card game Gloom of Thrones. The game cards are unopened, but the box has been opened. Please check the photos to see the condition of the box.
Epic Fantasy Is Ghastly!
Prophecies of doom. Protagonists slopping through wilderness. Battles of blood and mud. At least in Gloom of Thrones you know the story will get an ending.
Tell the Tale of Your Noble Family
Plague them with mishaps like Seduced by a Sibling or Tumbled from a Tower while heaping happy events like weddings and family reunions onto your opponents to raise their Self-Worth score.
Award-Winning Gameplay with Clear Cards!
Check out my other ads for more English board games!
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