- 商品编号: m59281919604
个数: 1 - 上架时间: 2023/5/1 12:53:51
商品成色: 二手 -
日本邮费: 卖家承担
可否退货: 不可以
Thank you very much for visiting this page! I am selling my grandmother's kimono and obi by proxy.
Description of the product ◈◈◈◈
◉This item is reused.
Please check the item before you order.
Please note that the product may not be suitable for your needs. Please be sure to check the product quality.
The length of this item is 335 cm.
Material◊Unknown (probably not polyester)
*Color◊Beige (darker beige than in the photo)
*About the stain◊There are a few fold creases that have been tightened, although they are not particularly visible
Please judge the image for the fold crease etc.