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British 1860 - 1942
George Wright was a sporting painter who lived in Leeds and later moved to Rugby Oxford and Richmond Surrey. George was one of at least five children in the Wright family. He was the brother of Gilbert Scott Wright (also a well known artist) and Louise Wright (a pioneer of fashion art). In his early career George Wright often combined with his brother Gilbert and some of this work was used for calendars and illustration. He also combined with J.W. Brooke on a portrait of “Lillie daughter of J. Wallace Countess” which was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1899. In fact George Wright exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1892 as well as at various other venues. Wright painted superb horse portraits and very good action pictures particularly of hunting and coaching as seen in these examples. He is indeed known to be one of the best sporting painters of his time painting in a lively and realistic style.