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ここにLEROY GREENの情報が少し書いてあります。DOUG ELLIOTTへの質問というホームページです。
DOUG ELLIOTTがいつマウスピースを作り始めたかという質問でGREENの名前が出てきます。DOUGの師匠といったところでしょうか・・。以下その文章です。
When did you start making mouthpieces? Where or how did you get your training as a machinist? How did you originally arrive at the concept of a three-piece system?
In 1981 I went to LeRoy Green in Baltimore to have a custom mouthpiece made. He was 87 years old at the time, with thick glasses due to cataract surgery and he had no voice because of his throat cancer surgery. LeRoy had been a mouthpiece maker for Holton, and was a tool and die maker for Westinghouse for 30 years. He was an amazing old man. He could look at a mouthpiece and "see" the dimensions within a couple thousandths of an inch. When LeRoy saw how interested I was, he offered to teach me the art of mouthpiece making. He showed me the basics of lathe work, tool making, and mouthpiece design, and encouraged me to work on my own designs. I then bought a lathe and whole bunch of useless tools, read about metalworking, and experimented for several years before settling on my current designs. My idea for a three-piece system came from a combination of Giardinelli's screw rim and LeRoy Green's screw shank. Later on I found out that Charles E. George had originally patented this idea around 1916. I now own five lathes and manufacture all of the mouthpiece parts myself.
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