
日买网 > 汽车| 摩托车 > 零件 > 包装,空气动力学 > 汽车由 > TOYOTA > 外裝 > 后部

  • 侦测到“故障品”字样,请与客服确认
  • 此卖家为店铺,收10%消费税
  • 此商品为海外发货,可能收取高额运费
  • 此商品注意尺寸重量限制,以免无法运输
新品未使用トヨタ純正ランドクルーザーFJ60 / 62 BJ60 HJ60リアナンバープレートランプアセンブリ

新品未使用トヨタ純正ランドクルーザーFJ60 / 62 BJ60 HJ60リアナンバープレートランプアセンブリ[浏览Yahoo!拍卖页面]

  • 现在价格:(合日元)
  • 剩余时间:
  • 下标数目:

帐户升级,享受免保证金出价! 《会员制说明》



卖家评价:50 0

大阪府 到 京都 的运费参考

三边和 运费
60厘米 ¥51
80厘米 ¥62
100厘米 ¥74
120厘米 ¥84
140厘米 ¥96
160厘米 ¥107



  • 拍卖号: e1108040113
    开始时的价格:¥1049 (19800日元)
    个数: 1
  • 开始时间: 2024/7/30 18:44:59
    提前结束: 有可能
    商品成色: 全新
  • 自动延长: 会
    日本邮费: 中标者承担
    可否退货: 不可以







6、邮政国际包裹禁运的危险品,邮政渠道不能发送到日本境外(详情请点击), 如需发送到日本境外请自行联系渠道。

新品未使用トヨタ純正ランドクルーザーFJ60 / 62 BJ60 HJ60リアナンバープレートランプアセンブリ

新品未使用トヨタ純正ランドクルーザーFJ60 / 62 BJ60 HJ60リアナンバープレートランプアセンブリ

★ご不明点があればお気軽にお問い合わせください。 値引き、送料、品番、サイズなどの質問には、お答えできない場合があります。
※画像はイメージになります。 写真の物と異なる場合がございますので、適合車種・適合型式・適合年式・セット内容を確認した上で、ご購入よろしくお願いいます。

Please contact us before bidding if you have any questions in order to prevent any problems due to misunderstandings or assumptions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us before bidding.
We will deliver the product with the name of your company in your name.
Please ask a specialist for installation.
We will not be able to ship the item to you if your personal name is not listed on the package.
In rare cases, it may take more than one week for the product to arrive.
We may cancel your bid if we do not hear from you within 24 hours or if we are unable to confirm payment within 3 weekdays.
Please understand that we may not be able to provide the item depending on the timing because we sell the item on other websites.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We may not be able to answer questions about discounts, shipping costs, part numbers, sizes, etc.
We ask for no claims and no returns. We will respond to shipping errors within 7 days of receiving the item.
We do not issue receipts.
We do not guarantee any damage after shipping.
The images are for illustrative purposes only. Please check the applicable car model, model number, model year, and set contents before purchasing.
Please note that some differences such as AT/MT, early/late model, etc. may not be shown in the description.
Please note that it may take some time to ship due to the manufacturer's procurement.


Yahoo Kantan Settlement

We will ship from Osaka by Sagawa Express.
Please check the approximate size and weight of your package from the Sagawa Express rate search site.
Please note that we try to do business quickly, but it may take some time to ship your order.
If you have any concerns, please comment before purchase and we will answer your questions.
We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and during long holidays (New Year holidays, Golden Week, Bon holidays, etc.).
Anonymous delivery is not available.

We will ship from Osaka by Sagawa Express.
Please check the approximate size and weight of your package from the Sagawa Express rate search site.
Please note that we try to do business quickly, but it may take some time to ship your order.
If you have any concerns, please comment before purchase and we will answer your questions.
We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and during long holidays (New Year holidays, Golden Week, Bon holidays, etc.).
Anonymous delivery is not available.

* * * この商品案内は、無料のテンプレートが使えて写真の追加もできる いめーじあっぷで作成しました。(無料) * * *


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