- 拍卖号: c581236492
开始时的价格:¥302 (5980日元)
个数: 1
最高出价者: - 开始时间: 2024/11/20 22:23:49
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商品成色: 二手 - 自动延长: 会
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直购价格: ¥329 (6500日元)
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■内容 Kingfishers and Kookaburras! Vibrant in color, conspicuous in activity and often hilariously raucous, these are some of the most well-known and much loved birds in Australia! Each of the ten Australian species has its own remarkably different story, brought to life in this book in a way that highlights their unique traits and individual personalities. Kingfishers and kookaburras are a versatile group. Their colors range across the spectrum. They have adapted to rivers and deserts, to wet rainforests and dry woodlands, to mangrove swamps and islands. They catch lizards, snakes and spiders on the ground, dive underwater for fish, snatch frogs in the tree canopy, and take insects in full flight. This book consists of ten essays, one on each bird, accompanied by spectacular photographs, many capturing moments of flight frozen in mid-air. Complementing the charming stories is a practical field guide section for readers intent on pursuing their own adventures in the kingfishers' realm. Also includes field notes on the birds, accompanied by distribution maps and photography tips. This book is both a study and a celebration of kingfishers, the jewels of the Australian bush. It will be treasured by photographers, naturalists, serious ornithologists or anyone thrilled at the sight of a kingfisher!
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■発送方法 クリックポスト(追跡番号有り・事故補償無し)198円になります。簡易ビニール梱包・封筒発送です。落札者様ご負担でお願いします。
■お支払い ヤフー簡単決済 ※代引きは、お受けしておりません。
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