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■- A unique tribute to the tigers who have played a vital role as 'brand ambassadors' of Indian wildlife - Delves into the changing landscape of tiger photography in India, and contains expert opinions by leading nature photographers - Also showcased is the singular diversity of Indian wildlife through spectacular images of the myriad species that share their home with tigers - A photographer's take on the dramatic rise in the popularity of tigers in the past decade Tigers are symbolic of the Indian wilderness and the mesmerizing stripes have long captured popular imagination. A Decade with Tigers is a photographer's take on the dramatic rise in the popularity of tigers in the past decade. Powered by social media and an increasing number of photographers interested in documenting the various moods and behaviors of tigers in forests across the country, tigers have been anthropomorphized, with some of them becoming the 'tiger icons' of India. A Decade with Tigers is a unique tribute to the tigers who have played a vital role as 'brand ambassadors' of Indian wildlife. The volume chronicles legendary tiger mothers and male tigers of the past decade, as well as their tales of survival, complemented by exquisite images by wildlife photographer Shivang Mehta, who has spent thousands of hours on the field. Also showcased is the singular diversity of Indian wildlife through spectacular images of the myriad species that share their home with tigers, photographed in terrains ranging from montane forests to the plains of Central India. The book also delves into the changing landscape of tiger photography in India, and contains expert opinions by leading nature photographers on the need for creativity and innovation in the photography and portrayal of India's magnificent national animal. Contents: Foreword, Preface, Tiger mothers, Bandhavgarh, Ranthambhore, Tadoba, Pench, Corbett, Mighty males, Denizens of the tiger kingdom.
■状態 未開封本です、ビニールパックの上部に破れ(写真3枚目)あります。
■発送方法 レターパックライト(追跡番号有り・事故補償無し)370円になります。簡易ビニール梱包です。落札者様ご負担でお願いします。
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